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In spite of the rise and rise of non-cash payments, many SMEs have stuck with cash for their main or only method of payment. Traditionally there have been several good reasons for this, but recent developments in non-cash payments have changed the business landscape radically. POS Terminals Can Now Be Fitted Onto Smart Phones In many ways, the development of POS terminals can be compared to that of mobile phones. When they first came on the market, they were hugely expensive and well and truly out of the reach of SMEs and private individuals. Now there are plenty off affordable models on the market, even the most basic of which is easily as capable as the advanced models of several years ago. Possibly the most


If you are running your business from a home office, there are technological must haves that you will need. No business could efficiently function without them nowadays and it would benefit your entrepreneurial cause to enlist them to your service for a bigger chance at success. Internet Access Every home business needs to invest in a computer with access to a high-speed Internet connection. This will become the hardest working equipment in your home office so the best quality is essential to avoid having to constantly repair and buy spare parts. This investment will also save you more money and time in the long run. It is also advisable to have a backup portable gadget such as a laptop or smartphone that can access wifi