Hands on with Rosie MT Table

Gizmodo.com has post there hands on experience with the new Rosie Multi-Touch CoffeTable, below it goes

……………most of my short demo was buggy, even for a beta. The machines, powered by various Apple PCs (Macbook Pros, etc.) were housed in wooden cases that looked like lower-end furniture. Probably fiberboard stuff, on par with Ikea, by my initial judgment. The UI itself is based around floating or aligned icons, with no text labels, for control of many things by RS-232 or IR, like many home theater gear and home automation equipment. You drag icons to the enter button, or click the enter button and click enter, to open em. I saw demos of a touchscreen satellite TV controller, with a favorites mode that showed off TV station icons and a easy channel scroll bar on the bottom. The software has iTunes interfaces that can turn album art into these floating icons, too. The multitouch is pretty shoddy, and the refresh rate is not too good on the screen. Multitouch is defined here as being able to have things like your hand on the screen while still being able to select other items. I saw one screen that was very buggy. The other Rosie was not so bad, but not great either. I think I saw a picture application, as well. But I also saw icons for a Gameboy Micro and YouTube. Huh? Gameboy? Making floating icons is one thing, making applications for a touchscreen UI is another—who knows if these are currently functional. I attempted to push for more info, but the man cut off to talk to someone else. We’ll report again when Savant has more info or pushes past beta, but for now, it seems like Wonky custom installer gear.


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