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All right, so you’ve done your homework: you’ve got your client’s website stats nearly memorized, you’ve talked to their clients to get a feel of who they are, and you know which keywords drive the masses to said website. In other words, you know where you stand, whom you’re talking to, and what they expect to learn about from your client and their brand. Now that the research part of your SEO content campaign is over and done with, it’s time to get down to the second order of business. Defining the goals of a marketing strategy in just about any field and irrespective of channel is all about bridging the gap between where your client is standing and where they want to get to,


The electronic cigarette industry is rapidly expanding, and in only a few years since it first appeared, the electronic cigarette has seen a lot of incredible transformations. In the following article we will be presenting some of the newest models of personal vaporizers, which look nothing like the first models. Today, e-cigs are designed to last longer, look better and produce stronger smokes with a good throat hit. In order to to produce good quality vapors, an electronic cigarette must have the ability to retain a large quantity of e-liquid, and this is done with the help of atomizers and cartomizers. These new devices have a „tank system” or a large cartridge. Without further ado let us present some of the best electronic cigarette models