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There are many financial issues to be addressed when starting a business, from organizing your accounting through to looking at your credit lines, it can be a confusing time with many outcomes that will need consideration, but the one financial matter that you truly cannot be without is good quality business insurance. It is very difficult to avoid all risks when setting up your business and an issue can arise at any time, with the long and short of the outcome being that without insurance YOU will need to cover the costs. There are many forms of basic business insurance policies so research is of the uppermost importance, having a look at AXA Business Insurance for example, will give you an overview of basic coverage. Here are


If you don’t have a comprehensive brand strategy in place for your marketing efforts, chances are very good that you can sense something is already missing. When marketing efforts are begun without implementing a brand strategy, you hit a wall. At first it might not be obvious but after a while an astute marketing professional will be able to tell, as well as have the necessary skills to change that. This article will serve as a primer to having a comprehensive branding strategy that will sell products. 1. Your brand must fit your product. Despite what many people think, your brand is not your product, website, logo. Say the word Apple, for example, and chances are good that you will think of computers and music