Top Tips for Smoother Business Travel


March 28, 2013BusinessNo comments


Traveling for pleasure can even come with its stresses, so when you are traveling for work and not heading out to the Caribbean, it can be even tougher to deal with. Frequent business travel can be physically draining and take a toll mentally as well; here are some tips to make the journey go a bit more smoothly.

Consider Regional Airports

While this may not always be an option, you should look into flying out of regional airports rather than the major hubs; the latter may have more choice, but these smaller airports may make for a more pleasant experience. Less people equates to less traffic and parking problems, and less time spent checking-in and going through security.

Get a ‘’Clear’’ Security Pass

Anyone who has been at an airport knows that clearing security can be one of the biggest time-sucks. For the frequent business traveler, having to deal with this on a weekly basis can be quite frustrating. Many airports around the United States now offer the ‘’Clear’’ security pass, which allows you to breeze past those lines. You fill out the application online but must go in person to get the card activated.

Unplug During the Flight

Business travel can often mean working 24/7, but often times, you are not getting anything of note done. If the flight offers wireless, give yourself permission to unplug; do not worry about emails. Travel is physically exhausting and it can be a good idea to use that time to decompress; unless you really, really, a million more times really need to get something done that minute, do it later. Being productive and effective is not just about how much time you are spending doing your work.

Tend to Your Health

While the odd vacation gives us a good excuse to skimp on our healthy eating and regular exercise plan, and indulge a bit, frequent business travelers cannot really use the excuse of being away from home and the regular routine to neglect healthy living; for you, traveling is a part of your routine and you must act accordingly. You must do your best to exercise, eat right and do whatever else it is you would do at home to keep your mental and physical health in check. Business travel can take a lot out of you, especially if you are moving across several time zones.

Experience at Least One Thing in Your Destination

While it is clear you are traveling to do business and not see the sights, make the time to see or do at least one thing at your destination; it can be a great way to recharge and reinvigorate yourself if you have had nothing but business on the brain the whole trip. It does not have to be anything extravagant—maybe you heard the city has a great historic section or there is a museum of interest to you. Just do one thing that seems enjoyable to you.

Kelli Cooper is a freelance writer who enjoys discussing all things travel; if you are traveling in TN, she highly recommends the Sleep Inn Hotel & Suites in Lebanon Tennessee