Perceptive Pixel’s Interactive Media Wall Up for Sale!


October 8, 2007Multi-Touch Tech1 Comment


You may know Jeff Han, you’ve probably seen his company Perceptive Pixel’s Interactive Media Wall / Multi-touch Collaboration Wall (or whatever they’re calling it these days — if not, peep it here), but the missing link to this stuff is taking it home. Well, the wait is apparently over, and for once it’s Nieman Marcus we’ve got to thank. While you’re shopping for the latest must-have fall fashions, be sure to stop by the newly anointed Futuristic Displays That Don’t Belong at Nieman Marcus Shop to pick up your 8 x 3-foot multi-touch display for a cool $100,000 US, only ten times the price of Microsoft’s forthcoming Surface. Don’t worry, your family will appreciate your investment; trust us, we really think they’d far prefer it to, say, Christmas presents, a home to live in, or dinner at some point in 2008.