Dual-Resolution Touch Screen TableTop System Unveiled


November 3, 2007Multi-Touch TechNo comments

Researchers from the National Taiwan University have unveiled the i-m-Top a rear-projection, interactive, dual-resolution tabletop system, which can turn the top of an ordinary desk into a 120×80cm touchscreen display.

According to the researchers at the university’s Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia, the system makes use of infrared sensors to detect the motions or movements of the user’s hands to enable interactive functions.

dual resolution table topThis runs with two rear projectors, one for blanket coverage of the entire tabletop, and the other one for a

According Yi-Ping Hung, director of the graduate institute, this system has taken 4 years to develop and will provide a much cheaper solution for touch screen displays. Its target audience are professional workshops and high-level executives.

Hung said the institute may collaborate with computer or display manufacturers to commercialize the product. Cost at the initial stages of the product release will cost just above $3000, however it may come down drastically with time.