Microsoft Archive

Windows Mojave is not Windows 7.  At least, that’s what the official story from Microsoft happens to be. If you’ve been anywhere outside of a cave over the course of the last few months, you have likely heard of the Mojave Experiment that Microsoft carried out.  It was designed to trick people into using Windows Vista and then to catch the surprised expressions on their faces when they found out that the system they enjoyed using (Windows Mojave) was actually a system they were conditioned to hate (Windows Vista).  The message on the part of Microsoft was that Vista was a fantastic system but also one that was highly misunderstood by its critics. Well, Windows Vista has been a big bomb in spite of the


Windows 7 Mobile is the operating system of choice for people using smart phones and many other electronic handheld hardware devices.  As far as the operating system is concerned however, a delay appears to be what is in the process.  Recent information obtained through a leaked document appears to point to the system being released for about another 14-16 months.  This information, if true, would represent a delay of about six months over the figure that had last been given to the public by Microsoft. Windows 7 Mobile in many ways is arguably more anticipated than its counterpart for conventional computers.  The Windows 6.1 Mobile system had a number of problems with it, suffering from bloating in the same way that Windows Vista did.  While