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Whether you prefer iPhone or Android, everyone can agree that smartphones are taking over the mobile market. More than half of Americans now own smartphones and that number will likely continue to rise. With so many people using smartphones, it’s important that your business website is formatted to properly display on any smartphone or tablet device. Not sure how to make your website mobile friendly? These five steps can help you create a mobile site that all smartphone and tablet users can access. Use a Responsive Web Design Creating a professional-quality mobile site design will require the help of a professional web design company. While many web design and layout platforms allow you to enable mobile browsing, a generic template mobile site is not guaranteed


Starting a website from scratch can be a lot like staring at a blank canvas. Your imagination can take off with all sorts of possibilities, but when it comes to actually creating something, things get a little more complicated—and a lot more technical. Luckily, enough people have been in your shoes for there to be a big market for website-building tools, so you’re not going to be left alone in the Matrix of HTML coding. The Resources You Need When preparing your site for business, you’ll need to get some essential components in order: Website Host: The first step is choosing a web host provider who will maintain your site by providing the server on which your site is located, allowing users to access it.