Microsoft’s Sphere Puts Future Gaming in New Light


August 8, 2008Surface NewsNo comments

Microsoft did unveil their spherical Multitouch technology at a recent demo and a number of the different things the spherical surface can do has gotten people talking about the possibilities. While the demo of the Sphere has reignited interest in Microsoft, one of the major areas that have been speculated on recently is gaming.

One of the aspects of the Sphere demo involved a game of pong. This game of pong was, to put it mildly, absolutely ridiculous. There were two circles traveling across the surface of the sphere and the person doing the demo was able to use their hands in contact with the surface to influence the direction of the balls, allowing for a fully spherical and three dimensional game of pong to be played. This was truly amazing and definitely something that is worth seeing in video format across the internet.

However, what does it mean for the future of the computer gaming industry? With spherical surface technology, a number of different things are possible. People can play real time strategy games with a whole new way of thinking and of course old classics can be reinvented in weird and wacky ways just as pong was in the gaming demo that was given by the Microsoft representative. The possibilities for gaming appear endless and because of that many have begun to hypothesize what this type of interface could bring.

In this area at least, it appears as though Microsoft has been able to create new ideas out of thin air and tie all of those ideas to a product they and they alone are currently working on.