Multi-Touch Tech Archive

The sleek Touch screen roulette table built using Microsoft’s new Surface Technology is supposed to change the whole scene of slot machines and is eyed by many companies. With digital poker players growing multiple of times in recent days these digital touch screen tables are going to bring in a rage of change in how you play roulette on a physical table. After the success of digital tables for poker where a player could peel up cards discreetly, roulette tables are to being expected to hit market very soon. The “Multiplayer Roulette system developed by Sweden’s TouchTable with built-in 56-inch touch LCD and a resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 can accommodate up to seven players and can even recognize each person’s bet separately. Developed with


After 33 years of fast paced career Microsoft Chairman and Founder Bill Gates has finally retired from his position at Microsoft to devote his time into social activities and promoting other technologies which can help human-beings in future generations. At his farewell speech Gates reflected his long time passion; the human touch interfaces which he believes will change the way we use computers today. According to him, anything from tablet PCs to handwriting recognition to touch screen table computers will recognize and analyze human touch and process the data accordingly. Microsoft is betting highly on this natural user interfaces. This is something Microsoft and Bill Gates will invest in future years after his retirement besides working for Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates had a