Surface News Archive

The below information was sourced from an unreliable source. It’s accuracy has now been discredited. It appears it was not a Surface computer that was used during the production of “The Island”, and in fact most of the credit should go to Mark Coleran and others. An update is provided here. “While working for Microsoft I’m getting used to the fact that there will alwasy be a good deal of negative comments on everything we do – it’s just how it is. When we postpone our OS it’s a scandal, when the competition does it’s a smart move. When we announce something innovative, someone else has done it before because copying is what we do apparently.After the announcement of Surface, the same happened. Although there


“Apple will include more of hand gesture and touchscreen technology in its consumer products, such as the iPhone, iPod and even the Macs. Much of what Surface does in terms of user interface already exist in the iPhone and Leopard will probably have an extended set of hand gesture functionality built in too. It is possible that touch sensitive displays and their support in Leopard are among those top secret features mentioned by Jobs”