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The telecommunications industry has been connecting lives ever since. Through the course of history, we have relied heavily on the telephone systems for our daily communications, whether it is for personal consumption or business purposes, whether local or international telecommuting. To put it bluntly, telecommunications have been part of our everyday lives. Before the turn of the new millennium, the modern technology has redefined the telecommunications system and marketing strategies, changing society’s communication culture once again. Widely considered as the “seventh mass media channel”, mobile phones became a media consumption and delivery platform in the 90’s. It has nine benefits as a media channel that cannot be seen on its predecessors. Mobile is: • The first personal mass media • Permanently carried • Always on


Let us tell you a secret: we usually get into big fights with our printer. Yes, it’s not exactly a big one and we wish that we have a juicier secret to tell you; but sadly, it’s been a pretty slow year for us. We can bet though, that our neighbors are either highly amused or scarily annoyed when we curse at our helpless printing machine. Of course, even with the love-hate (mostly hate) relationship we have with said printer, we would never consider it useless. There are days when it’s really good to us, printing all the documents we need without jamming or suddenly powering off or emitting sounds like it is being tortured by gangsters. For that reason alone, we can never bring