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Web design is about more than simply making a website look pretty. For a website’s design to be successful, it also must be easy for a user to navigate and designed to bring in as much traffic is possible. Both speed and performance matter when it comes to optimizing a site for search engines, so these are factors that must be taken into consideration as you start to create the ideal layout and theme. To boost traffic and increase your conversion rate, you’ll want to keep the following design tips in mind. Create a User-Friendly Layout Two of the main ways to get users coming back to your website include a fast loading speed and an attractive layout. You need to make sure that it’s


Ever wondered how certain high profile business people achieved their job position or status? Did they deserve it? Did they work hard for it? Or was it just handed to them on a plate? I think we’d all like to believe that it was probably all just handed to them on a plate, and there’s no possible way we could achieve their status, even if we did put in an awful lot of hard work. Well, we could be wrong. Take Steve Jobs for instance, he was born on 24th February 1955 to a completely normal family in San Francisco, they put him up for adoption to another no richer than your average, young couple. They moved to a place called Santa Clara or better